Library Policies
Library Expectations
Library Manners:
Be on your best behavior.
Follow all rules.
Treat everyone and everything with respect.
Always walk in the library.
Speak softly so as not to disturb others.
Keep shelves neat.
Do not push the books back on the shelves.
Proper Book Care:
No food, drinks or gum. Water must be in a tight water container and must stay on the library tables while looking for books on the bookshelves.
You are responsible for the proper care of the books borrowed under your name.
Handle books gently. Do not throw them and catch them.
Do not fold over the corners of a page. Please use a bookmark. We have them available in the library for you.
Do not write in or mark in the books borrowed from the library.
Turn pages carefully.
Leave book jackets on the books.
Be careful not to lose or leave your books behind.
Keep track of books. Keep them in a safe place away from pets, very young children or other hazards.
Make sure your hands are clean when handing books.
If it is raining, please cover your books. Wet books are not put back on the bookshelves.
If books are in your backpacks, please make sure books are away from liquids or food items that have turned into liquids.
Report any damages to the librarian.
Return your books on time.
Library Hours
Morning Library:
The CPJHS Library is open M-F at 7:30 AM. Students who wish to come to the library in the morning must sign-in at the foyer.
During morning library time, students may: read, check-out books, work on homework or use the computer/print.
Students are allowed to play school appropriate games on the computers in the morning. However, student academics takes priority. If another student needs to use the computer to print or to work on academic work, computers will be used for academic work.
During School Library:
On a pass from class. The student must sign in when arriving and sign out when leaving.
With class
After-School Library:
The CPJHS Library closes at 3:05 p.m.
At this time, the library is not open after school.
Library Policies
Students may check-out up to 3 print books for two weeks.
Students have the option to renew their borrowed print books.
6th- 8th grade classes have library every two weeks on a rotation. 6th grade one week and the following week 7th & 8th grade.
Overdue notices go to students every three weeks. As a way of communication, parents are emailed overdue book notices.
ebooks and digital audiobooks can be pre-viewed through the MackinVIA platform at this time. Students will be notified during their library time soon once they can begin checking them out to their devices.
Students are responsible for all books checked-out from the library.
Lost Books
Accidents do happen: books sometimes get lost, or severely damaged. Please remember that students and staff are responsible for books checked-out from the library. Lost books or severely damaged/soaked books must be paid in full so that the book may be purchased again for others to read.
If a book is lost or severely damaged, please:
Contact me through the phone or email for the cost of the book
Please do not send cash or checks to pay for lost or severely damaged books.
Payments for lost or severely damaged books will be paid online through KEV.